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Evergreen Shrub Crossword Clue and Answers List

HOLLY Evergreen shrub
MYRTLE Evergreen shrub
MISTLETOE Evergreen shrub
OLEANDER Evergreen poisonous shrub
CAMELLIA An evergreen flowering shrub
ROSEMARY An evergreen flowering shrub
HULVER Holly, an evergreen shrub or tree.
LOGANBERRY Red acid fruit of small evergreen shrub
SPARROWWORT An evergreen shrub of the genus Erica (E. passerina).
ALATERNUS An ornamental evergreen shrub (Rhamnus alaternus) belonging to the buckthorns.
PYRACANTH The evergreen thorn (Crataegus Pyracantha), a shrub native of Europe.
WIDOW-WAIL A low, narrowleaved evergreen shrub (Cneorum tricoccon) found in Southern Europe.
JUNIPER Any evergreen shrub or tree, of the genus Juniperus and order Coniferae.
SHALLON An evergreen shrub (Gaultheria Shallon) of Northwest America; also, its fruit. See Salal-berry.
AMBER TREE A species of Anthospermum, a shrub with evergreen leaves, which, when bruised, emit a fragrant odor.
BADIAN An evergreen Chinese shrub of the Magnolia family (Illicium anisatum), and its aromatic seeds; Chinese anise; star anise.
LAURESTINE The Viburnum Tinus, an evergreen shrub or tree of the south of Europe, which flowers during the winter mouths.
MADROA A small evergreen tree or shrub (Arbutus Menziesii), of California, having a smooth bark, thick shining leaves, and edible red berries, which are often called madroa apples.
BOLDU A fragrant evergreen shrub of Chili (Peumus Boldus). The bark is used in tanning, the wood for making charcoal, the leaves in medicine, and the drupes are eaten.
LAUREL An evergreen shrub, of the genus Laurus (L. nobilis), having aromatic leaves of a lanceolate shape, with clusters of small, yellowish white flowers in their axils; -- called also sweet bay.
FURZE A thorny evergreen shrub (Ulex Europaeus), with beautiful yellow flowers, very common upon the plains and hills of Great Britain; -- called also gorse, and whin. The dwarf furze is Ulex nanus.
ABELMOSK An evergreen shrub (Hibiscus -- formerly Abelmoschus -- moschatus), of the East and West Indies and Northern Africa, whose musky seeds are used...
HEATH A low shrub (Erica, / Calluna, vulgaris), with minute evergreen leaves, and handsome clusters of pink flowers. It is used in Great Britain for ...
CLASSIC Evergreen
QUASSIN Evergreen
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